Michael Langford

Michael Langford is a Technical Advisor in Expro’s Fluids Sampling and Analysis department, focussed on onsite analysis and trace measurement, and specialising in determination of mercury and other reactive contaminants. He is a major contributor to Expro’s Sustainable Energy Solutions initiatives, supporting the use of established and novel sampling and analysis techniques in non-hydrocarbon developments, including geothermal developments, carbon capture and storage and natural hydrogen exploration and exploitation.

Michael Langford*3, Tayo Fagade1, , Dora Piedrahita 1,
Nicolas Camelo 1, Elkin Colorado1, Cesar Patino2
1Expro, Broadfield Blvd.  Houston, 77084. USA & Expro, Bogota, Colombia   
2Ecopetrol, Bogota, Colombia
3 Expro, UK
We present a comparison of different sample containers for soil vapor sampling for subsequent hydrogen analysis, during exploration for white hydrogen resources across Colombia.
Using real-world data obtained during sampling campaigns carried out across Ecopetrol assets in Colombia, we evaluate hydrogen recovery rates between low-pressure aluminum sample cylinders (110cc) and larger, higher-pressure stainless-steel cylinders (300-500cc). Laboratory measurements are compared with those obtained in the field using portable equipment. A description of the novel sampling process is also described. Further comparison is made with existing published literature.
Our work shows that the smaller aluminum cylinders are at least as effective as the stainless-steel vessels in capturing and preserving hydrogen samples, contrary to some previously published work. However, the lower sample volume (especially at low pressure) proved limiting when extensive analysis programs were required.
Whilst the study uses data obtained from soil vapor sampling, it is relevant to all hydrogen sampling operations and should be considered when designing sampling and analysis programs for future work.
* Corresponding Author and Speaker. Email: Michael.langford@expro.com

Michael Langford


Technical advisor

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