HNAT For Underground Storage Companies

Your Profile

As an underground storage company, you play a vital role in the natural hydrogen ecosystem, ensuring the safe and efficient storage of geological hydrogen and other resources. You operate complex facilities and navigate a demanding regulatory environment.

Your Business Goals

  • Understand where the natural H2 production will likely start and which chemistry of the gas is expected
  • Secure contracts with E&P companies and end users: Connect and build relationships with natural hydrogen producers seeking reliable transportation and storage solutions, and end users looking for access to this clean energy source.
  • Stay ahead of the curve: Discover the latest advancements in blend separation, hydrogen storage technologies, pipeline infrastructure, and transportation.
  • Shape the regulatory landscape: Engage with policymakers and industry experts to shape regulations and standards for a safe and efficient natural hydrogen infrastructure.
  • Attract investors: Showcase your innovative solutions to potential investors seeking opportunities in the burgeoning natural hydrogen market.

Your Business Challenges

  • Technical uncertainties: where the exploration is starting, which gas will be produced, which are the need of purity of the final users.
  • Navigating the technical complexities of developing infrastructure for a new energy source like natural hydrogen.
  • Regulatory landscape: Understanding and adapting to the evolving regulatory environment for natural hydrogen infrastructure development.
  • Project financing: Securing funding for large-scale infrastructure projects in a rapidly evolving market.
  • Collaboration: Finding partners with the expertise and resources to develop a comprehensive natural hydrogen infrastructure network.

Your Reasons To Attend

  • Connect with key decision-makers: Network with producers, end users, policymakers, technology providers, and investors, all driving the advancement of natural hydrogen.
  • Discover cutting-edge solutions: Explore innovative technologies and project designs shaping the future of natural hydrogen infrastructure.
  • Shape the future of the industry: Engage in discussions and workshops to address critical challenges and opportunities in infrastructure development.
  • Forge strategic partnerships: Build valuable connections with potential partners crucial for successful project execution.
  • Gain market insights: Learn from industry leaders and experts about the latest trends and projections for the natural hydrogen market.

Who You'll Meet

  • E&P companies: Collaborate with producers to understand their specific needs and develop customized separation, transportation and storage solutions.
  • Scientists: be ware what is known and unknown about natural H2
  • End Users: Connect with companies seeking reliable access to natural hydrogen as a fuel or feedstock, and explore potential offtake agreements.
  • Policymakers: Engage with government officials and regulatory bodies to influence the development of supportive policies for natural hydrogen infrastructure projects.
  • Technology Providers: Discover innovative solutions from technology providers specializing in hydrogen storage tanks, pipelines, transportation methods, and more.
  • Investors: Showcase your projects to potential investors seeking opportunities in the natural hydrogen market and secure funding for your infrastructure development plans.