Brian Evans

Graduated as an electrical engineer and worked as system design engineer with GEC Automation UK. Then mud logger (Geoservice Paris), seismic surveyor (TI Dallas – GSI), offshore operations consultant in London and later Perth, senior geophysicist with Shell Australia, past Head of Geophysics Department (WAIT) and Professor/Head of Petroleum Engineering, Curtin University. Presently Emeritus Professor of Curtin University. He established the Bachelor and Master of Petroleum Engineering programs, Master of Subsea Engineering and Master of Predictive Analytics programs. Author of book “Seismic Acquisition in Exploration” published by the Society of Exploration Geophysics and Taylor & Francis book “A Simple Guide to Technology and Analytics”. He has authored over 250 journal papers, graduated 21 PhD students and worked on numerous energy related research projects including CCS and storage. He is presently Chair of the Curtin Emeritus Professor’s Forum and considers natural hydrogen is everywhere, advising government and industry on methods to find it.

Brian Evans

Curtin University

Emeritus Professor

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