Dan Levy

Dan Lévy did his PhD in cosmochemistry at Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris), in which he determined the pristine isotopic signature of hydrogen in the early Solar System. He continued in 2020 as a postdoc at Pau University (UPPA) on the determination of the H2 potential of a rock, with a focus on the Sivas ophiolite in Türkiye. After few field trips in Italy on side projects dedicated to natural H2 exploration, he did a postdoc in collaboration between UPPA and 45-8 Energy on the natural H2 exploration in the Balkans that allowed to map the H2 potential in Albania and in Kosova. He now does a postdoc funded by SLB at Institut Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP), on H2 clumped isotopes, trying to use it as a tracer for the source of H2.

Dan Levy


post doctoral researcher

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