Eric Gaucher

Eric C. Gaucher is a geochemist expert. His work focuses on water–rock–gas interactions at the laboratory scale up to basin scale using experimental, field and numerical modeling methods. He is involved in all geo-energies and is one of the leaders in Natural H2 Exploration. After 19 years in academic research (CEA, BRGM in France and the University of Bern in Switzerland) and 10 years in industry (TotalEnergies), he is now building bridges between the worlds of research and industry with a new start-up: Lavoisier H2 Geoconsult. He graduated with two master degrees in 1993. The first was a Master of Earth Sciences from Lyon I University & École Normale Supérieure. The second was a Master of Hydrology from the Paris Orsay University. He also completed his water-rock interaction PhD with CEA and the Paris VII University in 1998. Focused on solving industrial problems using the most advanced scientific methods, he has solved problems linked to the stability of clays and cements, CO2 control by rocks and, carbonate diagenesis. Since 2016, he has been developing exploration methods for natural hydrogen gas (H2) and assessing the reserves of this new geo-energy. He is the task leader for Natural Hydrogen for the International Energy Agency.

Eric Gaucher



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