Omid Haeri Ardakani

Omid Ardakani received his Ph.D. in Earth Sciences from the University of Windsor, Canada in 2012. His research was focused on dolomitization and paleofluid flow in the Paleozoic carbonate succession of southwestern Ontario. He began his tenure at the Geological Survey of Canada, Lands and Minerals Sector in 2013 as a postdoctoral fellow and currently he is Research scientist. His research focus is on organic matter characterization in sedimentary record and recent sediments as well as inorganic geochemistry of organic-rich shales, organic petrology, and water-rock interaction in black shales and tight rocks.Since July 2018 he is an Adjunct Associate Professor with Department of Geoscience, University of Calgary (U of C) where he teach and advise graduate students.

Omid Haeri Ardakani

Geological Survey of Canada

Research Scientist

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