Isabelle Moretti

Isabelle Moretti is a scientist with a master in mathematics and a Ph.D. in earth science from Univ Paris XI (Orsay). She was post doc in Cornell Uni and MIT and then began her career in 1987 at the French Petroleum Institute (IFP, now IFPen) where she held various project management positions working in France and abroad (Bolivia, Colombia, Egypt, Italia, Greece). She worked in fundamental research but also developed professional software, mainly in structural geology. She intersperses her research and appraisal activities for industry (TOTAL, CEPSA, YPFB) with work for governmental entities (IRD, CNRS, ANR, CEE, Ancre). She is author of more than 145 scientific papers, directed a thirty of PhD’s and is giving courses in various universities in France as abroad. In 2012, Isabelle Moretti moved to ENGIE and became rapidly the Technical Officer of Engie Coorp and then scientific director (CSO) in early 2018. It that position, she selected the technologies of tomorrow in renewable energies and other emerging markets and lead the research programs of the company in new source of energy and enabling technologies. She is now mainly back to the academic world and lead a team dedicated to natural hydrogen at the Pau University (UPPA) where she is working on different case studies such as Brazil, Australia, Namibia, Afar area, Colombia and Iceland but also in the H2 generating source rock characterization. She is also at the board of EartH2 that promotes the natural hydrogen E&P in Europe and involved in the TID de dedicated to natural H2 of the International Energy Agency.

Isabelle Moretti



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