Stéphane AVER

Stéphane Aver, Swiss, (Pantheon-Sorbonne University-Paris I) with a specialisation in business administration, banking and finance. He has over 30 years of experience in creating and implementing value-enhancement strategies, M&A and asset sales with large multinationals in the field of high-efficiency / high added-value technologies.
in 2016, launch of the Natural Hydrogen in 2015, launch of the Natural Hydrogen department within the Aaqius research center to develop a new activity focused on the research, exploration, exploitation and processing of native hydrogen with the creation of the specialized company HYNAT.
In 2018, Stéphane Aver became President of the Transitions Foundation to launch programs to combat fuel poverty among the most disadvantaged populations. He is also a member of the Nomads Foundation in Geneva, the Cleantech Alps Forum and Hydropole in Switzerland.
In 2021, Stéphane Aver becomes a founding member of the H2 Cluster in Morocco. In the same year, Stéphane Aver joins Dr. Abdelhamid KHALIL as co-founder of AAED (African Academy for Ecological Development).
Stéphane Aver is also a member of the Prospective & Innovation Foundation, chaired by Jean-Pierre Raffarin, the former French Prime Minister. Stéphane Aver was also a member of the Board of Directors of the Franco-Arab Chamber of Commerce since 2016 and member of BOAO Forum for Asia, chaired by Ban Ki-moon, the 8th Secretary General of the United Nations.

November 25, 2024 | 17h15 - 21h32
What is happening in Africa? - Collaborative work for H2 exploration in the Southern Provinces of Morocco
Presented by Nour Eddine Berkat, Senior Geophysicist, Onhym and Stéphane Aver, founder of Hynat
-48762.430145817 MIN

Nour Eddine BERKAT1,3, Reda EN-NABBADI1, Othman SADKI1,Stephane AVER4, Júlio F.CARNEIRO2, Yassine Zarhloule3 and Mustapha CHAIB1

1) Office National des Hydrocarbures et des Mines, 5, Avenue Moulay Hassan – Rabat, BP. 99, Morocco

2) ICT – Instituto de Ciências da Terra, Universidade de Évora, Évora, Portugal

3) University of Mohamed I, Oujda 6000, Morocco


Corresponding author: (N.E. BERKAT)

This communication explores the potential of natural hydrogen in the southern provinces of Morocco, specifically focusing on Tarfaya, Laâyoune, and Boujdour. Conducted by Moroccain National Office of Hydrocarbon and Mines, the study aims to identify hydrogen sources, assess their viability, and propose future action plans. The research is divided into two phases: identifying promising target areas and characterizing these targets through fieldwork and laboratory analysis. The methodology includes using geological, structural, hydrogeological, geochemical, and geophysical data, conducting in situ hydrogen measurements, and developing conceptual models to understand hydrogen migration. Significant hydrogen concentrations were detected at sites like Sebkha Oum Dba’ (1.77% H2) and Daoura, confirming natural hydrogen seepages. Geological models indicate that graben structures and deep faults are preferential pathways for hydrogen migration. Proposed actions include geophysical surveys, thermal flux measurements, and exploratory drilling to measure hydrogen beneath sebkha salt layers. The study highlights the promising potential of natural hydrogen as a renewable energy source in Morocco, warranting further research and investment to support the country's energy transition.

Within the framework of the research and cooperation agreement between ONHYM and the Swiss company HYNAT signed in July 2021, natural hydrogen exploration work was carried out in the Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra and Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab regions, including ground-based hydrogen and helium emission measurements, gamma-ray spectrometry and a seismic reflection campaign on target number 1. The excellent results reveal promising accumulation structures at shallow depths, enabling us to select the 1st most favorable zones. In this context, in mid-2024, ONHYM and HYNAT decided to launch a test drilling program, which is currently underway.

Stéphane AVER



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