Christophe HECKER

Christophe began his entrepreneurial journey at the age of 22 in the financial sector, where he evolved for over 15 years. He then held the position of Head of Development in a mergers and acquisitions company.

Passionate about energy, he is the author of the book "Shale Gas and Oil : Global Revolution and French Denial," winner of the Turgot - Les Echos Prize in 2015.

Convinced that natural hydrogen constitutes an energy revolution, he launched NaturalHy in 2023 in order to assist the pioneers of this nascent industry in their fundraising efforts.

NaturalHy is an advisory company in the nascent industry of natural hydrogen, founded by Christophe HECKER, a natural hydrogen enthusiast with a strong background in finance and energy. NaturalHy helps natural hydrogen pioneers in the financial structuration of their companies, especially during their fundraising process.

Christophe HECKER



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