Glenn Burridge

Glen Burridge is Executive Director of European Federation of Geologists, the representative body for the continent’s professional geological associations. EFG is currently heavily involved in responding to the new opportunities and threats for the geological profession in Europe as it enters a period of significant change in how, where and why it operates. It represents over 40,000 individual professional geoscientists from 27 countries and we have longstanding relationships with peer organisations across the world. Glen’s work with EFG draws on over 20 years of global experience spanning a broad range of organisations and cultures. This includes as a front-line project geoscientist and, ultimately, management advisor on large oil & gas projects, where he became a trusted voice on technical assurance, project governance and capability development. As keynote speaker and workshop facilitator, he has tackled topics as diverse as novel ways of viewing resource exploration risk and the future of geomechanics as a discipline, to the human factor in geomodelling and the importance of intercultural competence in management. He has also driven several cross-industry efforts concerning the handling of risk and the use of geological models, including several pioneering conferences for the Geological Society of London. Glen holds a Bachelors of Science in Geophysics from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and a Masters of Science and Diplôme d’ingénieur in Petroleum Geoscience from IFP’s Ecole du Pétrole et des Moteurs in Paris. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical and Geological Societies of London and is a Member of Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) and European Society of Association Executives, where he is a Co-Chair of the Sustainability & Legacy community. is currently Rock Eval project manager at Vinci Technologies. He has a degree in petroleum geosciences from the IFP School and completed his engineering degree at the Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux.

Glenn Burridge


Executive Director

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